urgente: Emergência em JFK N York para chegada de possível avião com fogo na asa

Avião estaria se preparando para tentativa de pouso

Um avião, provavelmente da Delta, que decolara rumo à Moscou, estaria retornando ao Aeroporto JFK , com fogo na asa . Socorristas se preparam para ação enquanto o jato estaria ejetando combustível.

Despacho da notícia em inglês

Authorities are responding to reports of an engine fire on a plane attempting an emergency landing at Kennedy Airport.

The plane was still in the air late Sunday afternoon as emergency workers rushed to the airport and prepared to spring into action when the plane landed, officials said.

Initial reports were that a Delta flight originating from JFK - it was bound for Moscow - turned back after experiencing engine trouble. There was no runway immediately available at the crowded airport.

There were reports that a wing appeared to be on fire and that the plane was dumping fuel.


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