Top Aviation and Space News- August 21st 2012

United 787 completes pre-delivery test flight 

United Airlines (UA), the North American launch customer for the Boeing 787, said its first Dreamliner took a 3-hr.-plus pre-delivery test flight Sunday to/from Boeing’s Everett, Wash., facility. More 

Assad's regime increases use of air power 

 July 31, 2012: This file photo image made from amateur video released by the Ugarit News purports to show black smoke rising from buildings in Aleppo, Syria. 

(AP) BEIRUT – Its forces stretched thin on multiple fronts, President Bashar Assad's regime has significantly increased its use of air power against Syrian rebels in recent weeks, causing a spike in civilian casualties

The shift is providing useful clues about the capability of the Syrian air force as Western powers consider the option of enforcing a no-fly zone over the northern part of the country, where rebels control large swaths of territory along the Turkish border. Read more: More


TAM diz que preço das passagens pode subir 

Presidente da companhia atribui o possível aumento aos preços do petróleo e do querosene de aviação e às tarifas aeroportuárias. Mais 

Report questions value of high US aviation security costs 

US aviation security costs have skyrocketed since 9/11 but it is not certain the benefits outweigh those costs, a new industry report finds. Authored by RAND Corp., the report suggeststhe US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and Congress should weigh both the costs and benefits of the complex US aviation security system.More

British Airways Steward Who Made Fake Bomb Threat to Earn Promotion Gets 6 Months in Jail Instead 

A British Airways steward who wrote a threatening message on the back of a toilet door during a flight from London to the Japanese capital of Tokyo has been sentenced to jail for six months, police said on Tuesday. He admitted making the threat in an attempt to impress his employer. More 

Avião da Azul retorna ao aeroporto após princípio de incêndio 

Após decolar do aeroporto Petrônio Portela em Teresina com destino a Campinas em São Paulo, o vôo 4391 teve que retornar ao aeroporto, após a tripulação detectar um princípio de incêndio em umas das turbinas.Mais 

Embraer inicia obras de centro para jatos em Sorocaba 

Quatro meses após o anúncio do novo centro de serviços para jatos executivos no Brasil, a Embraer iniciou as obras no aeroporto Bertram Luiz Leupolz (SOD), em Sorocaba, no interior paulista. Mais

Qantas grounds 2 pilots who reportedly quarreled in cockpit of jumbo jet at Dallas airport 

CANBERRA, Australia — Qantas Airways Ltd. grounded two pilots who quarreled in the cockpit of their Boeing 747 jumbo jet at a Dallas airport last week, the airline and an aviation official said Tuesday. The argument happened two weeks after Qantas, Australia’s biggest airline, grounded another pilot for attempting to fly while under the influence of alcohol. More 

2 SC Boeing employees appeal case against union 

NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. -- Two employees at South Carolina's Boeing plant have appealed their complaint against the International Association of Machinists. More 

Astronomers Find Evidence of Planet Being Destroyed by Its Aging Star 

A team of international astronomers have reported the first evidence of a planet being destroyed by its aging star. The evidence indicates that the missing planet was devoured as the star began expanding into a red giant. The star, named BD+48 740, is older than the Sun with a radius about eleven times bigger. More

ANA announces its new Boeing 787 flights between San Jose and Tokyo will begin Jan. 11 

SAN JOSE -- All Nippon Airways' announcement Tuesday that it will launch its highly anticipated San Jose-Tokyo route Jan. 11 is giving Mineta San Jose International Airport lift in its efforts to garner more overseas routes after years of struggling to attract new flights in a tough economy. More 

First non-pilot unmanned aircraft operators graduate from USAF's MQ-9 Reaper course 

The first group of US Air Force student operators who have not completed the service's undergraduate pilot training (UPT) programme have graduated from the General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper training course. More 

Base Aérea de Canoas comemora 68 anos com passagem baixa de caças F-5EM em ala com KC-137 

Hoje pela manhã, dia 21 de agosto, a Base Aérea de Canoas (BACO) comemorou seu aniversário de 68 anos. Mais 

Azul oficializa David Neeleman na presidência da companhia 

Executivo estava no Conselho da aérea; Neeleman também assumirá presidência de empresa resultado da fusão da Azul e da Trip; Mais

Mars rover Curiosity gears up for Wednesday test drive 

(Reuters) - NASA's Mars rover Curiosity, dispatched to study if the Red Planet could have hosted life, will take its first test drive on Wednesday. More 

Nonsense data reveal Mars rover's damaged sensor After wiggling its wheels in the Martian soil, the Mars rover Curiosity was pronounced fit to take its first test drive tomorrow. But amidst the fanfare comes news of the rover's first science casualty. More 

Curiosity apresenta primeiro defeito em Marte 

Sensores de velocidade do vento estão danificados. Robô se prepara para primeiro passeio. Mais 

USAF's LRS-B bomber proceeds, but is completely classified 

 Northrop Grumman Photo

The US Air Force's new Long Range Strike-Bomber (LRS-B) program is entirely classified. The USAF isn't just withholding technical data, the service won't even share programmatic details such as if there is a system program office in place or a competition or anything else. "Specific LRS programmatic details are protected with enhanced security measures," says Air Force spokeswoman Jennifer Cassidy. More


Defesa dos acusados do 11 de setembro critica cláusula de 'censura' 

Passou de quarta para quinta a data de início das novas audiências de julgamento dos supostos autores dos ataques de 11 de setembro de 2001 nos Estados Unidos. O atraso aconteceu por problemas na rede de internet da Base Naval da Baía de Guantánamo.

O juiz James L. Pohl, que preside a comissão militar de Guantánamo, aceitou o pedido de adiamento, que reduz em um dia a duração da sessão prevista. Nestas novas audiências, que acontecerão quase 11 anos depois dos atentados, serão ouvidos os argumentos dos advogados do suposto autor intelectual do ataque, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, e outros quatro cúmplices. Mais

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