Top Aviation and Space News- August 10th 2012

Breaking News: 1 killed after plane crashes in West L.A. neighborhood 

(CNN) -- One person aboard a single-engine plane was killed Friday after the aircraft crashed in a West Los Angeles neighborhood, authorities said. The pilot of the Cessna 210 declared an emergency for unknown reasons around 6:10 p.m. shortly after leaving Santa Monica Airport, according to Ian Gregor, a spokesman with the Federal Aviation Administration's in its Western-Pacific region. More



Dulles collision: Lufthansa Airbus, United Express commuter plane collide 

A Lufthansa Airbus A330 and a United Express commuter plane collided on a taxiway near the A gates at Dulles, says Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Spokesperson Rob Yingling. Continue reading A spokesman for one of the airlines says a wing clipped the tail of another plane. There are no injuries.

The NTSB is investigating the incident. A spokesman for Pinnacle Airlines, the parent company of Colgan Air, says the United Express airplane, Flight 3912, was from Pittsburgh to Dulles and operated by Colgan Air. The aircraft is a Bombardier Q400.

Here's a statement from Pinnacle: • On Friday afternoon, 8/10, a Lufthansa aircraft clipped the tail of Colgan flight 3912 operating as United Express (PIT-IAD) during taxi to the gate at Dulles International Airport (IAD). • The Captain of the Colgan Q400 aircraft was able to continue to the gate, and all 68 passengers safely deplaned. There were no reported injuries. • We are investigating the incident and are working with both the FAA and NTSB. There were 183 people on the Lufthansa flight. 


Resgate bloqueia Corredor Norte-Sul e suspende pousos em Congonhas. Causa foi ação de homem suicida. Mais 

 Torre fica do lado externo do aeroporto e serve de guia e referência para os aviões que pousam em Congonhas. (Foto: Reprodução/TV Globo)


Brasil adia compra de caças devido a dificuldades econômicas 

O ministro da Defesa, Celso Amorim, anunciou o adiamento do processo de compra de aviões de combate devido às dificuldades econômicas, durante uma entrevista publicada nesta sexta-feira pelo jornal americano Wall Street Journal. Mais 

United Airlines promove evento “Mundo 2012” no Rio de Janeiro e anuncia novidades 

A United Airlines reuniu na 15ª edição do evento Mundo representantes das principais agências de viagens do Rio de Janeiro, que tiveram a oportunidade de atualizar-se quanto às novidades do setor aéreo e de turismo. Mais 



As inscrições para o Vestibular 2013 do Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA) abrem hoje (10/08), sexta-feira, e vão até o dia 15 de setembro. Serão oferecidas 130 vagas nas áreas de Engenharia Aeronáutica (28), Eletrônica (27), Mecânica-Aeronáutica (26), Civil-Aeronáutica (15), Computação (24) e Aeroespacial (10). Os exames ocorrerão no período de 11 a 14 de dezembro de 2012, em 22 localidades do País: Belém, Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Campinas, Campo Grande, Cuiabá, Curitiba, Fortaleza, Goiânia, Juiz de Fora, Londrina, Manaus, Natal, Porto Alegre, Recife, Ribeirão Preto, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, São José dos Campos, São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo e Vitória. Para mais informações acesse 

Mars rover flight engineer with the Mohawk becomes Internet hit 

(Reuters) - While dozens of rocket scientists packed NASA's mission control room during a much-vaunted landing of the Mars rover Curiosity, no one made a bigger impression on viewers glued to live TV and Internet coverage of the event than spike-haired Bobak Ferdowsi. More

Embraer amplia rede de serviços no Brasil 

Em um ano, a frota de jatos executivos no Brasil deve ser a segunda maior no mundo, atrás apenas dos Estados Unidos, que lidera o ranking mundial com 11.120 jatos. O país já possui o segundo maior mercado de aviação geral, que inclui aviões de pequeno porte e helicópteros. Hoje, o país tem 720 jatos desse tipo, contra 760 voando no México.

Em novembro, Turkish começa a voar para Buenos Aires 

A partir do fim de novembro, a Turkish Airlines vai começar a voar de São Paulo para Buenos Aires quatro vezes por semana. Mais  

Air Canada Plans Fleet Shake-Up In 2013

An arbitrator’s decision late last month on a pilots union contract is giving Air Canada a lot more flexibility in how to manage its fleet, with potential consequences for decisions on shifting and ordering narrowbody aircraft and getting rid of Embraer aircraft or other regional jets. More 



Sobreviventes filmam momento de desastre de avião nos EUA Dupla a bordo da aeronave filmou momento de colisão com árvores durante viagem sobre Estado americano de Idaho. Assista ao vídeo. 

Scientists Discover Tectonic Plates on Mars 

For decades, scientists have believed that Earth was peculiar in having tectonic plates. Now, though, a UCLA geologist has found evidence that Mars, too, exhibits the same crustal plates beneath its surface. More 

Vídeo mostra recruta sendo agredido por grupo dentro de hospital da Aeronáutica em Belém 

Vídeo feito dentro de um hospital da Força Aérea Brasileira, em Belém, mostra um recruta sendo espancado por outros militares. A agressão seria uma espécie de trote aplicado aos novatos. Para a OAB/PA (Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, seção Pará), trata-se de crime de tortura. Mais 

FAA to Fine FedEx for Hazardous Materials Violations 

FAA proposed a $681,200 fine against FedEx, alleging the cargo carrier violated U.S. Department of Transportation hazardous materials regulations. More 

Air Malta reduces losses; on target for more improvement 

Air Malta (KM) has reported a slightly reduced operating loss of €30 million ($37 million) for its year ended Mar. 31, improved over a €34 million loss for the previous year. More 


Wojick named Boeing VP-sales commercial airplanes 

Boeing has appointed John Wojick VP-sales for commercial airplanes, succeeding Ray Conner following his election to president and CEO of Boeing in June (ATW Daily News, June 27). More

Missão Argentina - Fumaça na cerimônia dos 100 anos da FAA 

Aconteceu hoje, 10 de agosto, a nossa primeira participação nas festividades em comemoração ao aniversário de 100 anos de criação da Força Aérea da Argentina (FAA). Às 11h, foi realizada a Cerimônia Militar alusiva à data, na Escola de Aviação Militar, em Córdoba, presidida pelo Ministro da Defesa do país, Dr Arturo Puricelli, acompanhado pelo Chefe de Estado Maior da FAA, Brigadeiro General Normando Constantino. Estiveram presentes autoridades civis e militares argentinas e de países vizinhos, como o Comandante da nossa Força Aérea Brasileira (FAB), Tenente-Brgadeiro Juniti Saito. Mais

Esquadrilha da Fumaça/Fumaça em desfile aéreo na Argentina

American Airlines pilots reject contract offer 

American Airlines have strongly rejected a contract offer that would have helped the company cut labor costs, dashing American's hopes of winning voluntary concessions from all its labor unions. More 

At Last, Huge Hybrid Airship for ISR Makes First Flight 

The Northrop Grumman long endurance, multi-intelligence vehicle (LEMV) has made a 90-minute first flight, about one year behind schedule. The 304-foot-long optionally manned hybrid airship was released from tether at Lakehurst, N.J., on August 7, according to the sponsoring agency, the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command (USASMDC).

The primary objective of the first flight was to perform a safe launch and recovery, with the secondary objective of verifying the flight control system, the USASMDC said. “Additional first-flight objectives included airworthiness testing and demonstration, and system-level performance verification. All objectives were met during the first flight,” the Army continued. The LEMV was manned for the first flight, and will also be manned for subsequent test flights following “a detailed inspection of the vehicle,” the USASMDC added.

 The huge hybrid airship known as the long-endurance multi-intelligence vehicle made a 90-minute first flight at Lakehurst, N.J., on August 7. (Photo: U.S. Army) 

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