Aviation and Space Top News - August 8th 2012

Helicóptero cai em Porto Seguro (BA) 

Um helicóptero PR-DMG caiu na tarde desta quarta-feira (8) em um loteamento no Alto do Mundai, região próxima a Porto Seguro, de acordo com informações do Corpo de Bombeiros do local. Continua 

Mars Rover From Space: Orbiter Snaps 'Crime Scene' Picture Of Curiosity Equipment (PHOTO) 

The first pictures of NASA's Curiosity rover on the surface of Mars have been taken from above by a spacecraft orbiting the Red Planet. The photos come from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), which snapped Curiosity as well as the Sky Crane landing stage, heat shield and parachute that helped deliver the rover to the Red Planet's surface. Curiosity touched down on Mars late Sunday (Aug. 5), beginning a two-year mission to study whether Mars was ever a habitable world. More 

Alaska Airlines Flight Loses Cabin Pressure in ‘Catastrophic Electrical Failure’ 

An Alaska Airlines Boeing 737-400 made an emergency landing in California Wednesday morning after it suddenly lost cabin pressure during flight to Seattle. More 

Asia-Pacific carriers see passenger uptick; cargo weak 

The Assn. of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) said international passenger numbers grew in June while cargo remained weak, according to its latest statement. More 

 Press Release – FAA Proposes $1 Million Civil Penalty Against Horizon Air 

SEATTLE – The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has proposed a civil penalty of $1,005,000 against Horizon Air of Seattle, for allegedly operating 22 Bombardier DHC-8-402 turboprop airliners on more than 186,000 revenue flights when they were not in compliance with Federal Aviation Regulations. More 

FAA halts certain runway operations after Reagan National Airport mishap 

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Federal Aviation Administration Tuesday ordered a nationwide halt to "opposite direction" runway operations, in which planes arrive on runways in one direction and depart in the other, as the result of an investigation into last week's incident at Reagan National Airport involving three planes which came dangerously close. More 

Anac autoriza Tam a ter sete voos semanais para o Peru 

A Tam está autorizada a realizar... Continua 

Grupo IAG pretende ter uma parte da American Airlines 

Enquanto a empresa norte-americana namora com a possibilidade de ampliar sua participação na Oneworld através de uma associação em estudos com a Latam formada pelas companhias LAN e TAM... Continua 

Egyptian Aircraft Strike Sinai Militants in Retalliation 

Egypt’s army began a campaign to purge north Sinai of militants, with attack helicopters killing a reported 20 fighters, as President Mohamed Mursi fired his intelligence chief and a regional governor. More 

'Jeitinho brasileiro me ajudou', diz executivo de missão da Nasa 

Natural de Guaratinguetá, no interior de São Paulo, e trabalhando na Nasa há quase três décadas, Ramon de Paula, de 59 anos, é um dos três brasileiros envolvidos na missão da agência espacial americana que levou o jipe-robô Curiosity a Marte nesta semana. Continua 

Hong Kong Airlines to Suspend Hong Kong-London Gatwick All-Business-Class Service From September 

Hong Kong Airlines Ltd.--backed by Chinese aviation-and-leisure conglomerate HNA Group Co.--is suspending its all-business-class flights to London just six months into the much-touted service because of poor demand, dealing a blow to the its efforts to compete with well-established airlines on long-haul routes. More 

Emirates Signs Agreement for Boeing 777s, 

GE Engines GE Capital Aviation Services Limited (GECAS) said it signed a purchase and leaseback agreement with Emirates Airlines for three Boeing 777-300ERs and seven GE spare engines. More 

Missão Argentina 

Pouso em Uruguaiana Hoje, dia 8, decolamos da Base Aérea de Santa Maria, às 9h30, e seguimos para a cidade de Uruguaiana/RS, na fronteira oeste do Brasil com a Argentina. Esse pouso foi necessário para reabastecimento, já que o vento de proa estava intenso ... Continua 

NASA Global Hawk Pilots Face Challenges Flying Hurricane Missions 

NASA's Hurricane and Severe Storm Sentinel, or HS3, mission will be a complex one for the pilots flying NASA's Global Hawk aircraft from the ground. The mission, set to begin this month, will be the first deployment for the unmanned aircraft away from their regular base of operations at the Dryden Flight Research Center on Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. In addition the pilots will be operating the aircraft from two locations on opposite coasts. More 

TSA reaches labor accord 

The US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has reached a collective bargaining agreement with the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) union. The agreement, which would affect approximately 44,000 TSA employees, must be ratified by AFGE members.

LMI Aerospace Acquires TASS Inc. 

LMI Aerospace Inc. said it has acquired TASS Inc., a Washington-based aftermarket engineering and support services firm. More 

Sukhoi avança no desenvolvimento do caça Su-35S 

A Sukhoi informou que iniciou os testes de voo de combate real com o caça super manobrável multimissão Su-35S. Os testes estão sendo realizados no Centro Nacional Avançado de Testes de Voo da Força Aérea da Rússia (ICG). Continua 

Missão Argentina – Fumaça 

Após duas horas e meia de voo, pousamos em solo argentino, às 16h 30min, na segunda maior cidade do país, Córdoba. Militares argentinos e da Adidância Aeronáutica do Brasil estavam presentes para nos recepcionar. Continua

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